
Find out what Oyster volunteers have said in these reviews of our sports coaching volunteering project in South Africa:

“First two weeks have gone really well, I’ve had the chance to not only coach sport but also teach and spend some time in childcare. The volunteering itself and the programme is amazing, the kids are truly inspiring and I’m loving every second I get to spend with them!”

Fran, 7 weeks April 2023

Netball coach holding a ball“My First week was very good! I‘ve made so many experiences. That‘s incredible. It was great that we had some introduction days first and went to school the first time on Tuesday. It was shocking to see the townships and the life there, but  although they seemed to be happy and that‘s wonderful! I love the project and the children are so cute! It’s Perfect that I can coach and teach. The first days were sometimes a hard because of my homesickness and because everything is new and I didn‘t know anybody here. But I know that in a few weeks it will feel more like home here!”

Jules, 12 weeks September 2023

Children in Africa smiling for the camera“So far South Africa has been great, the work we do here really makes me feel like I’m making an impact. The staff and other volunteers couldn’t be nicer and I feel like we’ve already created a bond. Best wishes, Tom”

Tom,12 weeks January 2023


Kid kicking a football“To be honest, so far, I’m having the time of my life. It’s so much fun. The weather the people the trips. Spoken to a guy who I think u handled called Joe a lot and he’s great. Sharing a room with a guy named Freddie who is also good as well. But yeh. I’m having lots of fun. Hope all good in England xx”

Harry, 8 weeks January 2022

Team celebrating a win“I really enjoyed the coaching, I got to try different sports to the one I initially signed up for and it was really encouraging to see the development in the children over the month that I was there. The group of volunteers I was with was very friendly and I really enjoyed all the excursions and activities we did when we weren’t out in the schools doing coaching. A particular highlight would be the weekly five-a-side football tournament with all the volunteers.”

Charlie, 5 weeks February 2020

A volunteer in South Africa coaches netball in the townships“I’m getting on great thank you! It’s crazy to think that I’ve been here for over a week already I’m really enjoying it. I decided to do 3 days of coaching netball and 2 days of teaching and I’m really liking it because it’s different everyday!”

Emma, 10 weeks January 2020

Volunteer sports coach looks out over the stunning views in South Africa“I’m absolutely loving it out here! Already one of the best experiences I’ve ever had!”

Ella, 11 weeks January 2020

Kids and volunteers pose for a picture“I had an unbelievable time in South Africa, discovered a completely new part of the world, which was eye opening and great in many different ways! The staff there were really good, and always nice and very helpful. I do miss things of life in South Africa, such as the people there, the coaching in the schools, the weekend trips and the nights out! I thoroughly enjoyed my time and and am grateful for everything you’ve done in helping me make this possible!”

Matthieu, 8 weeks April 2019

Children on the sports coaching programme in South Africa smile happily at the camera“I totally love South Africa and I’m sure that I’ll have a nice stay. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to stay in such a nice place and coach the kids”

Kevin, 5 weeks February 2019

A child at the childcare project smiles for the camera“I love it here. I am having a blast and it’s been such an amazing program so far. All the staff has been super amazing and helpful.”

Celia, 11 weeks January 2019

south africa volunteering“The sports coaching in the township schools was by far the most humbling experience of my life, the happiness that radiates from the children makes you truly grateful for everything and their willingness to learn makes you appreciate all the things which you may take for granted at home.”

Olga, 11 weeks January 2018

Sports coaching in South Africa is an amazing way to inspire kids“My first week has been an absolute blast! I love everything out here including the children, staff, weather, nightlife and more. Looking foward to another 10 weeks of this. ”

Ben, 11 weeks January 2018

sports review“Seeing the happiness in the childrens eyes each week at our arrival. Furthermore the weekend activities like safaris and boat trips have been amazing! Thanks for making this amazing experience possible for me. I really enjoyed myself during the time in South Africa.”

Lukas, 5 weeks, August 2017

sports coaching“The group environment was a brilliant way to meet new people, and the coaching was organised in a professional yet relaxed way. Oyster provided me with all the information necessary and I felt prepared for the 5 weeks.”

Daniel, 5 weeks, January 2017

South Africa sports“My time in South Africa was brilliant. The staff were welcoming and friendly. The volunteering was rewarding and enjoyable. The social aspect of the trip was brilliant also. Yes I do miss it! It was great :)”

Mark, 5 weeks, January 2017

web“Thank you so much for helping me make this trip possible, it was honestly the best 6 weeks ever!”

Asha, 6 weeks May 2016

web“Absolutely loved my time in PE- being able to do something I love every day and meeting new lifelong friends and creating memories with them in a new place. Really glad I didn’t leave after 5 weeks and that I did in fact extend to have 3 extra weeks there. Thank you so much for all the help with planning the trip – I really had the best time of my life.”

Georgie, 8 weeks January 2016

Ella Gaskell

“It is so fulfilling to help all the children and develop relationships with them and see them improving at sports. I loved the people and the programme, and the coordinators and staff were fantastic.”

Ella, 5 weeks January 2016

thumb 23“A great opportunity to get away from home, gain independence, coach the sport you love, explore SA and make a great deal of lifelong friends. To see everything come together after about 9 weeks with a few particular schools was brilliant. Now they’re able play rugby with thought and technique, while at the start they could barely catch the ball.”

Harry, 12 weeks August 2015

web Kirsty“During teaching sessions, explaining a problem and seeing the light go on and the child understand the question was incredible. This is the perfect combination of rewarding volunteer work and incredible opportunities (bungee jumping, shark cage diving etc). Be prepared for the best experience of your life!”

Kirsty, 7 weeks October 2015

Sports volunteering“My time in South Africa was amazing and absolutely life changing! I had so many amazing experiences while I was there and I definitely miss it already. I hope to do another project very soon and I could see myself applying for a permanent position after I finish my degree. Thank you so much for the opportunity, I had a blast!”

Jaimie, 5 weeks July 2015

Sports coaching volunteering“The word I would use for this trip is unreal. The experience is amazing and I’m having the time of my life – thanks for giving me this opportunity. The coaching is great and now the weather has picked up I can’t complain about one thing!”

Danny, 5 weeks July 2015

Sports volunteering“My experience overseas was amazing.It cannot be explained the connection you feel with the children and the happiness for their major and even minor successes. The excursions were amazing as well. Thank you so much for your help in coordinating this trip for me and on behalf of the children who we worked with, your efforts do not go unnoticed.”

Devon, 5 weeks July 2015

Sports coaching volunteering“I had a great time in South Africa and it was definitely the best time of my life! Sport coaching is a lot of fun and an easy way to get in touch with the children. Even if you are the coach, you can learn so much from the children, e.g. how easy it is to be happy! I would recommend this experience to everyone! I was so well prepared for this trip so THANK YOU!”

Felix, 6 weeks January 2015

Sports coaching gap year“I’ve just passed the halfway mark of my time in South Africa and so far its been great, so I’d like to thank you for your help in getting me out here so fast and how you dealt with my last minute application, so thank you very much for that.”

Jonty, 12 weeks September 2014

Sports coaching volunteering“The coaching was a great opportunity to make a difference to young people who are not as well off as ourselves and it was extremely sad to leave them behind. While in South Africa, I was able to do many adventure activities such as bungee jumping and shark cage diving. Overall South Africa was hands down one of the best experience of my life.”

Ali, 5 weeks July 2014

Eddy Ryan“I returned from SA yesterday and I have had an absolutely wonderful time out there. I would like to thank you for all the help that you gave me to set it all up. I would definitely recommend the experience to anyone else who might need something to do for a gap year as it was one of the best experiences of my life!”

Eddy, 7 weeks May 2014

Sports coaching in South Africa“I’m having an absolutely amazing time here in South Africa! I’ve made some really good friends, and after we finish the sports coaching we’d like to do a weeks travelling to Cape Town. The coaching is going great – it’s so rewarding and the social life with the other volunteers is so good too. Thanks again from sunny Africa!”

Emily, 5 weeks January 2014

Football coaching South Africa“Luckily football is a sport that can be played with limited space and kit. Our first day of coaching was incredible; we had a great group of kids who all thought they were Messi. The kids are so enthusiastic and always happy no matter their situation in the townships.”

Nick, 8 weeks January 2014

“Thank you frts coaching in South Africaor the wonderful opportunity in South Africa. I have had a wonderful experience working with the organisation and I have had an amazing time working with children from the townships. We organised a tournament at the end of my programme and gave out the Manchester United shirts to the winners of the tournament as prizes. I have such an amazing time, thank you.”

Seth, 8 weeks April 2013

Teaching and sports coaching in south africa“The kids were so enthusiastic and so fun to teach. Just hearing their excited screams as the volunteer minibus pulled up told us how much they valued us being there. I had such a great time both coaching and making friends for life, and left with only one regret, that I wasn’t staying for longer!”

Lucy, 5 weeks January 2013

rts coaching in South Africa I have had a brilliant time and I have gained a lot of coaching experience, as well as making new friends both on the course and with people living in South Africa. Other people should do this placement because it is a life changing experience where you get to live life alongside another culture, as well as experiencing once in a lifetime activities.”

Richard, 12 weeks January 2013

“I had therts coaching in South Africa trip of a lifetime. There’s so much I have to say about it all and I can only hope that more people take part in the project. I hope I will get the chance to return at some point. Thank you for all that you did for me prior to my departure. I will be recommending Oyster to everybody I know!”

Tayah, 4 weeks September 2012

rts coaching in South AfricaTeaching swimming was really rewarding, as in the first week a lot of the kids (some 17 years old) didn’t even get in the water. By the end, we had them swimming laps of a 25 metre pool. I honestly wish I did the 3 month programme. I highly recommend this as it will truly change your outlook and make you feel so grateful for what you have!”

Kaitlin, 5 weeks January 2011

rts coaching in South Africa“I would recommend this project 100%, I’ve already extended by another month. This trip is wicked and you will meet friends for life as well as getting the most rewarding feeling from knowing you’ve made a difference. Coaching hockey was a real eye opener, going to the townships and seeing how little they have. I’ve also had the opportunity to train with a local hockey club, which is such fun.”

Emily, 12 weeks April 2010

For more information about sports coaching volunteering with various sports in South Africa, have a look at our volunteer sports coaching website.

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