
Help clean up our oceans and learn to dive – or improve your current skills – on a beautiful beach in Barcelona. Spend your days foraging for plastic waste and old fishing nets, analyse your ‘catch’, and then wave goodbye as it makes it’s way off for recycling. You’ll have plenty of free time to explore this epic city of course, and you won’t be disappointed!

Get off the beaten track to live on a beautiful Costa Rican beach, protecting the turtles that nest and hatch on the golden sands. Live like a local as you make a genuine contribution to marine conservation.

Become a research diver on an exciting volunteer marine conservation project in Thailand. Get involved in daily dives to explore the health of the marine environment just off the stunning island of Koh Phangan. Suitable for new and experienced divers alike, this project allows participants to play in active role in tackling marine decline, all whilst enjoying the wonders of life under the sea.


Actively help in the fight against plastics and rubbish clogging up our marine environment. On this project you will be doing daily dives to remove fishing gear, debris and plastics from the ocean around Lisbon. It is an amazing opportunity to make a difference and clean up our world.

South Africa is home to the amazing Marine Big 5 – sharks, whales, dolphin, penguins and seals – and their existence is under threat. Spend your days out on the water observing marine life, all whilst contributing to innovative shark conservation and eco-tourism measures. Help out at a penguin rescue centre and with beach clean ups to improve the damaged marine world. And if that’s not enough, why not tick something off the bucket list and go cage diving with sharks too?

Marine conservation has never been more important. The sea temperature is increasing, coral reefs are dying, fish are ingesting plastics every day, there are irresponsible fishing and diving practices across the world and, by 2050, it is estimated that there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish. But we can make a small change, and we encourage you to do so.

If you are passionate about marine ecology, biology, and sea life, why not consider joining a volunteering project to help the marine world? If you are a passionate diver this can involve diving to remove plastics from the ocean or to conduct important research on the state of the coral reefs. If you prefer to keep your feet on dry land, you can help with turtle conservation or do beach clean ups, and if you like to be on boats, why not help with monitoring sea life?

Marine volunteers help out for durations of 1 – 12 weeks on projects around the world. Some volunteers are on a gap year, others on a summer holiday, and others still are looking for a responsible diving holiday. Career breakers, retirees and students alike are all welcome!

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