
Employers love to hire people who can really prove that they have what it takes! With so many people getting good grades, how can you set your self apart from the competition? Service learning is a perfect way for people to develop their own personal skills while contributing to a community. Don’t just say you can do it – be able to prove it.

What can you gain from service learning abroad?

webTo organize a voluntary trip abroad required determination and organization. The great thing about travel is that you can work out a plan that suits you best so you can ensure you get everything you want from the time away. There are two types of people – those who dream and those who book!

webService learning is a great opportunity to work as a team for a good cause. Work in a team and learn how much can be achieved when everyone gets stuck in. It is a fantastic opportunity to meet like-minded people who are just as passionate as you are.

Service learning is all about giving back to a community. If you travel, what better way to explore an area than to ensure that your time there is having a positive impact on the people you meet and the place you go? Whether you are helping to conserve the local wildlife or helping to run a youth club, make your time valuable.

webMeeting people abroad is a fantastic way to share stories, skills and interests. Traveling abroad will give you the opportunity to get involved in new activities and see views that are completely different from anything you have seen before.  On your return, you will have plenty of memories to last you a lifetime.

How can you gain service learning experience?

For inspiration, check out our website. Read our blog to see what other volunteers have gained from their time abroad. From childcare and teaching programs to conservation and animal welfare programs, there are plenty of ways to get involved.

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