
Cattle mustering on a farm in AustraliaWith each season the type of farm work in Australia changes. For those with farming or horse riding backgrounds and experience, there are certain times of year when your skills will best be put to use- and thus make you more employable. Below is a good indication of times to go to work in Australia on the farms in the Outback:

Horse riding experience

There are loads of jobs in the Outback for those with riding and horse care experience. The jobs are available all year round but the best time for certain jobs are:

Mustering If you would like to be doing cattle mustering on horseback (for the most proficient of riders) then the best time to go is from March onwards. The cattle mustering season lasts until September.

Polo farms If you would like to work on a polo farm, working to groom and exercise the horses, the ideal season is from January until August.

General jobs involving horses – whether this involves caring for horses on the farms or combining horse work with other farm jobs, these jobs are available throughout the year.

Farm work

Harvest season– the harvest season is September to December

General farm work– there is a lot of general farm work in March, April and May, however it is of course in demand all year round

General work

Manual jobs – available year round. These could involce gardening and landscaping jobs combined with labouring on the farm

Inside outside jobs– these jobs are perfect for someone who wishes to combine working in the Outback with something less farming orientated. Many farms and ranches want to employ people who can turn their hand to anything, and so the inside outside jobs can range from general farm work to bits of cleaning and helping out in the farm house.

For more information about farm work in Australia’s Outback, you can look at Oyster’s paid work Australia web page.


6 responses to “When is the best time to do farm work in Australia’s Outback?
  1. To whom it may concern,

    I am planing to take some time off, arpund 3/4 months and I was wondering what kind of programms are you handeling for 2016. Iam 36 years old, I have a degree in business administration, also a post-graduate course in projecct management. and some other IT certifications; single, no kids, I like to spend time with firends, family and what I like most, with horses. I play polo since I was little childd and maybe I can share my professional experience in a different environment.

    1. Hi Patricio

      Many thanks for getting in touch. I am delighted to hear you are interested. Unfortunately to take part in this programme you must be eligible for a working holiday visa (for which you must be under 30 years old).

      You would be able to take part in any of our volunteering programmes so you might be interested in taking a look at one of them.

      Best wishes

  2. Hello.

    I’m looking to work on a farm in Eastern Australia. I have recently got my working holiday visa.
    Looking to go to Australia late October or so
    Can you help at all?

    1. Hi Jason, thanks for getting in touch! I have sent you a private message. Looking forward to hearing from you 🙂

  3. Hello,

    My name is Lash, I am from Sydney NSW and studying to be a nurse. I am looking to work in a farm surrounded by horses and sheeps and cattle. I am thinking of doing this around this year in end of november till starting of march during my uni breaks. I would like to get out of the city life and experience the countryside. Hoping to hear from you.


  4. Hello there 🙂

    my name is Sue (30 y/o) , born and bred in germany.
    I grew up with animals as my parents are divorced , I did all the all inc vacations with my mom and all the lovely farmlife vacations with my dad.
    I used to go fishing and hunting with my dad and I had a own horse (paint horse). I also went to Reining competitions.
    We’ve never been without pets at home and we’re still having a dog and a cat.
    I’ve been to New Zealand 10 years ago back than I worked on a hunting farm and trained their horses for the hunt.
    I am currently working and living in Noosa and ready to leave to join you and do all the best I can to help you out.

    I am super relaxed , sometimes funny sometimes quite.
    But I love having company around and work in a team with good energy.

    Would love to hear from you


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